The Smiths
Girl Afraid
The Smiths
2 ...
Girl Afraid - The Smiths

la sol fa#
Girl afraid

la sol fa# mi la sol fa#
Where do his intentions lay?

fa# re , fa# fa# fa# la sol fa#
Or does he even have any?

la sol#
She says

sol# DO# si la sol# la la sol#
He never really looks at me

la la sol# DO# si la sol# la la sol#
I give him every opportunity

sol# la si sol# la si
In the room downstairs

DO# si la sol#
He sat and stared

sol# la si sol# la si
In the room downstairs

la sol# la si
He sat and stared

sol# sol# sol# sol# mi fa# sol# si sol#
I'll never make that mistake again

( mi mi mi . . . fa# sol do . . . fa# sol mi si1 fa# mi )
( I'll never make that mistake again )

( mi mi mi . . . fa# sol do . . . fa# sol mi si1 fa# mi )
( I'll never make that mistake again )

la sol fa#
Boy afraid

la sol fa# mi la
Prudence never pays

sol fa# mi re sol fa# la sol fa# fa#
And everything she wants costs money

la sol# DO# si la sol# la sol#
But she doesn't even like me!

la sol# DO# si la sol# la sol#
And I know because she said so

sol# la si sol# la si
In the room downstairs

DO# si la sol#
He sat and stared

sol# la si sol# la si
In the room downstairs

la sol# la si
He sat and stared

sol# sol# sol# sol# mi fa# sol# si sol# mi
I'll never make that mistake again

Girl Afraid - The Smiths

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