One - U2

mi sol sol mi la mi
Is it getting better?

mi sol sol mi la
Or do you feel the same?

mi sol sol mi la mi mi re mi
Will it make it easier on you now?

mi si la sol mi la
You got someone to blame

sol la
You say

si si - si si
One love, one life

mi mi si si
When it’s one need

mi mi si
In the night

si si
One love

mi si si si la mi
We get to share it

si si si mi
It leaves you, baby

mi mi si si mi mi
If you don’t care for it

mi sol sol mi la mi
Did I disappoint you?

mi mi sol sol mi sol mi la
Or leave a bad taste in your mouth?

mi mi sol sol mi sol mi la mi
You act like you never had love

mi mi sol si la sol mi la
And you want me to go without

sol la
Well, it’s

si si - si si
Too late, tonight

mi si si si la
To drag the past out

mi si si si
Into the light

mi si
We’re one

mi re si la sol
But we’re not the same

re mi re si si la sol re
We get to carry each other

si si la sol re
Carry each other


One - U2

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