Pride In The Name of Love
7 ...
escala: E major
Pride ( In The Name of Love ) - U2

si1 si1 si1 do# si1 mi re# si1
One man come in the name of love

si1 si1 si1 do# do#
One man come and go

si1 si1 si1 do# si1 mi re# si1
One man come he to justify

si1 si1 si1 do# do#
One man to overthrow

si si si fa# sol#
In the name of love

si si si la sol# fa#
What more in the name of love?

si si si fa# sol# fa# mi
In the name of love

si si si la sol# fa#
What more in the name of love?

si1 si1 si1 do# si1 mi re# si1
One man caught on a barbed wire fence

si1 si1 si1 do# do#
One man he resist

si1 si1 si1 do# si1 mi re# si1
One man washed up on an empty beach

si1 si1 si1 do# do#
One man betrayed with a kiss

si si si fa# sol#
In the name of love

si si si la sol# fa#
What more in the name of love?

si si si fa# sol# fa# mi
In the name of love

si si si la sol# fa#
What more in the name of love?

si1 si1 si1 si1 mi re# si1
Early morning , April four

si1 si1 si1 si1 do# do# si1 si1 fa#
Shot rings out in the Memphis sky

fa# fa# fa# sol# fa# fa# fa#
Free at last , they took your life

sol# sol# fa# fa# mi mi fa#
They could not take your pride

si si si fa# sol#
In the name of love

si si si la sol# fa#
What more in the name of love?

si si si fa# sol# fa#
mi In the name of love

si si si la sol# fa#
What more in the name of love?

Pride - U2

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